A picture says a thousand words - I'm not sure this one says much to a complete stranger, but I like it so it's staying :)
So what I'll do below is list some things I love (Not like - "like" is way too luke warm for me)

Introducing My Great loves
Laughing (Out Loud, till it hurts & I want it to stop but I just can't)
Reading (mostly about ordinary people's lives)
Red Wine
FC Chelsea
Mogodu (Tripe, my mom makes the best)
Boerewors Rolls
My family
Music (I shall expand on this more when I have a spare sec)
Sundowns FC
Chinese Umbrellas & fans
Green Point Stadium
Flying (Most of my dreaming happens on my trips to & from Joburg each month)
Birds (The freedom they possess)
Hot Showers
Candle Light
Braai's (including the actual act of braaing)
Mu&Me (www.muandme.com)
Vintage Clothing
Children (preferrably those that can't speak)
Fans (on a particularly blazing day)
Fanta Orange
Those Old-school Coca Cola Bottles
Wrapping gifts
Listening parties
Rock pools
Hot Showers (and cold ones on particularly happy days in the summer)
Lemonade (made of real lemons)
Live Music
Guitars (there's something about them. I have one just sitting in my room. I never play it. I don't know how. It adds a little something to the room & I my mood)
Discovering an item of clothing I totally forgot about (Especially ones I thought were so ugly 3 years ago but turns out fashion & my taste would turn on me!)
The bustle of New York City
Table Mountain (from a distance)
The ocean
People who glow in the light of who they are (when you come across people like these, you just know it)
Snuggling up with something warm on a stormy rainy night/day (preferably night)
Mom's warmth