*Original Post – Monday, June 08 2009, 11:20pm
So I rounded up a couple of friends that were willing to watch the South African made movie based on a South African novel written by Marlene Van Niekerk - Triomf tells a tale of a poor white Afrikaner family that lives in the placed formally known as Sophiatown.
The time is 1994. And the political landscape is about to undergo a dramatic change. They are uncertain, yet certain of doom. The movie was surprisingly well directed and executed. There were a lot of uncomfortable scenes that make us all cringe. Like the incestuous scene involving the mentally retarded 20-year-old boy and his mother. How uncomfortable and highly disturbing! The movie touches on a lot of sensitive hush hush topics regarding Afrikaner families and the grim truth that the walls would tell if they could.
The story is one that didn’t focus too much on politics but gave a good indication of how things were back then for poor white South Africans. An angle I had personally never seen but have always been curios to explore.
Countless laugh out loud scenes made the teeth grindingly uncomfortable one a teeny bit easier to sit through.
I’m proud that South Africans are becoming more willing to uncover the real truth about our horrible past.
The stories need to be told. Only then can we heal as a nation.
We’re so infatuated with covering up our unbalanced and unfair past and equally obsessed with moving forward without addressing the emotions experienced that undoubtedly prevail to this day, that we can’t simply (ok, maybe not so simple) stop and look back and dissect.
The level of horror violent crimes endured by citizens of this country is a sure sign of the kind of deep-seated anger burdening men and women of this land.
I’d be interested in seeing how many Saffies actually knew about if let alone went out to watch it.
Reminds me of a movie released a few years ago “Catch a fire” that uncovered the truth we all read about in history books. I wonder how many bums warmed seats in the theaters during its duration.
I’m convinced we’re a nation scared to stare our past in the face and work through our faults.
It’s needed.
Desperately so.
Triomf was screened in the smallest theatre at the Labia Theatre - an independent movie theatre in Cape Town.
Indicative of the kind of people we are.
Seeds have been planted and are expected not to flourish into something. Trees are sprouting all over the place, those of anger, frustration, self-hatred and intolerance. They need to be pruned and healed.
*Once again due to my undeniable attachment to procrastination (this was written a hefty 6 months ago, but only getting shared now)
So a couple of weeks ago (when I wrote this it was weeks, now its months due to my attachment to procrastination) I was invited to watch a dance performance at the UCT dance school. The performance was on hair.
Yup, hair.
I was awfully interested in hearing this notion out. We were all seated and it began -The journey to understanding why on earth anyone would base an entire performance on hair.
I must admit I smiled a little when I went to the bathroom just before it began and looked at mine. What an absolute mess!
The show began with an explanation of how the initiative started. It was a collaboration between UCT students and Jikeleza dance school (based in an underprivileged area and therefore the students were from the same background)
The lady who trained them got them to speak about their feelings related to hair and got them to get in touch with the way they felt about hair.
When they began dancing I was, naturally, trying to understand what they were trying to say about how they felt or what they were trying to portray. It was more difficult than anticipated. To penetrate one’s thoughts is hard enough and to try and make sense of what their movement meant; more so.
There was a question and answer session at the end of it all where all the girls got to answer questions from the audience. I love this concept. It made me feel closer to the dancers and made me feel like a part of the goings on which I really liked.
This decision revealed other things about the girls. Most of the girls from the townships had a very difficult time expressing themselves. It was almost as though they wanted to be invisible so said as little as possible.
There were a handful of girls that had a chance to speak as part of the performance and one of the girls was blonde. She explained how irritating it was that people would sum up her level of intelligence based merely on her hair colour. I was astonished to learn this as I had previously walked around with the thought that “blond girls have it easy” when in fact it was the opposite when it came to the professional environment. So my question was what advantages she gained from her hair colour (There had to be some). This young lady I posed the question to was very opinionated and intelligent and didn’t actually get to a point where she said that she benefits until the very end where she said sometimes she uses her femininity.
Her femininity.
I have that too.
This seemingly light-hearted performance turned out to be of much more importance and dispelled some preconceptions we had about each other’s hair. (And in a strange way our cultures and backgrounds)
We should have more of such gatherings. The quicker we dispel untruths about each other the better equipped we are to fight intolerance and bridge the seemingly insurmountable differences of race, creed and culture.
We were quite curious also to inspect the concept of "Pop up store". The style of the store was precisely what my imagination had concocted before hand: Predominantly white with bursts of colour. Modern, clean design with an area to cool chill (The term I use to describe the phenomenon of relaxing while looking/seeming fashionable...)
There were endless supplies of free Vitamin water (this would describe the odd handful of drunk individuals making their way through the crowd). Being me, I sampled each & every variant available from berry flavoured Power C promising to boost the immune system to XXX : acai-blueberry-pomegranate (in case you were wondering the XXX stands for "triple oxidants").
The bunch that had gathered in this space would be best described as hip, trendy & relatively fashion conscious, the accents circulating the room lead me to believe that there were a lot of international visitors in this venue.
The vitamin water concept is growing on me at snail's pace, but growing nonetheless.
The funky, quirky labels on the bottles make you want to support this brand & product in a strange manner. Here's a label I peeled off.
While we glugged our oh so healthy H₂0 we grooved to the delicious & equally addictive beats of Miss Funafuji.
The Pop Up Store will be available until June. So you best get over there and check it out.
We were indulged in performances by a range of highly talented yet down to earth performers. What an interesting concoction. The first performer was a young lady called Thobekhile on the guitar she seemed to know as well as the back of her hand. She sang 3 pieces that made me think and most importantly feel. Wow. Second was Simphiwe who spoke with great fluency and expression. Involved us intellectually in a way that would forever stay with me, my favourite “Hip hop I love you, Hip hop I love you not” (yummy title).
A few minutes later and I was informed for the 1st time ever that there were a whole bunch of fully completed election ballots in a car in Khayelitsha ( a township in Cape town) this after word that DA had won over 50% of the Provincial vote (Western Cape). What a heavy chunk of information to take home. Better to be aware than not. Lutho sang for us. So beautifully we just wanted him to continue. On and on and on. Until until.
A surprise and undoubtedly different vivid performance was served loud and warm ( I didn’t catch the name) then Meridrian :comprised of beautiful Kim & Seth raised hairs and summoned Goosebumps in their near flawless in sync music. Before they began they explained where they were coming from “a stratosphere where everything was okay & right” or something close. It was clear after their performance what they meant. If I was forced to box & lable their sound I would describe it as a dreamy, floetic blend of lyrics & flow that sucks you in. Not sure that labels them much but that’s my answer and I’m sticking to it.
Then there was Moratiwa Molema; I just love that name. It means “My love” or “loved one” in Setswana. I’m Tswana. I later spoke to her and found out she is from Botswana. She calmed us down and got us clapping rhythmically to her sharp subject matter and rhythmic piece.
I was intending on staying for 30mins max but ended up meeting new interesting people that I would have otherwise never come into contact with. Having inspiring conversation and scrumptious vegetarian cuisine (I’d describe myself as a carnivore, yes, not quite omnivore – there should be a name given to those with eating habits between omnivore and carnivore) and Yet I enjoyed the meal immensely.
The performances were chillingly relevant to how the world’s ticking right this moment. I was a sponge absorbing as much as I could of this little nook – Portobello that is to be no more after that evening. But as one of the staff said “only the lord knows”.
Either way I’m glad my soul reveled in its presence for the short time it did.
What a place.
(I have to mention this - Sivuyisiwa; pictured above; was a lovely, confident, eloquent host – her passion is contagious. There were several acts that were not at all planned...that’s quite something) Urban peacock I look forward to your next offering
PICTURED BELOW: Sergius my lovely photographer (I kinda hijacked him and asked him to please forward me the pics he took there, he's back in Singapore now and sent me this amazing pic he took on the -YES- GREAT WALL OF CHINA!)
Kim & Seth make up Meridrian
Moratiwa & her entrancing flute
The weird...
& Wonderful surprise performance.
A Collage Of Thoughts & Experiences