This week was a whirlwind of so many experiences. So many tiny micro little things that I want to share, complain and speak about.
Each one of them deserve a posting off their own. But I don't have that kind of time unfortunately for me (and you).
So I will just spill it all right here: Bit by bit, as it flows into this brain and is transferred to the fingers on this keyboard.
I Love Girls, that I know and know love me and allow me to be myself. Other than that sparkly handful; I can't stand girls-only affairs. They are strangely uncomfortable. I feel like I am under a gigantic microscope and all I want to do is just shrink into a tiny grain of salt in the carpet and then just grow big again towards the end (or when the champagne appears).
I Make People Laugh, out loud, without even trying. And its a gift, I should learn to embrace owning the ability to make people happy so effortlessly - even if just for a few moments. I jolt something in them that makes them smile.
Talking Makes Everything Okay, except for pimples, they just linger and annoy you and make you feel un-pretty for days until you find a facial wash (like the one I found) that sweeps them all away and make you feel preeety :)
Alcohol In some Hands Can Be Funny, but most times dangerous and can lead you to believe that you don't actually have to work. For anything. Ever. This thought was planted by a conversation around a breed of people that exists in Observatory (Cape Town).
Friends Are Better Than Lovers, especially if they read books to you and wrestle you and let you win just once and share music with you and treat you real good without feeling any pressure to be sweet. Just being(even if it means letting some uhm..air out while you sleep - urrrgh!!). Still Priceless.
We Are ALL Obliged To Give, in our own way, whether its cash, online donations, R2 to the guy at the traffic light begging with the "black bag for garbage" trick, to the homeless child that ALWAYS begs you for something, giving of our time, our services, our talents. Give. Just give in the beginning. And then love to give and then give with love. GIVE it really does change things for someone. Think about if someone - a stranger- just gave you a bunch of flowers. Feel that joy - now pass it on.
Sadness Is Contagious, only if you let it, but sometimes it's so intense you can't deny it entry. We caught a glimpse of each others feelings in that short publicly unnoticed glance we shared on a hot Saturday afternoon. I was glowing with happiness and he; stewing in unhappiness. In that short little glance we took a little bit of it away from each other - a swap of sorts. (If this has happened to you before you will know what I mean).
Sometimes We Are Clueless as to who we are really dealing with. We think they are a certain way because you met at a certain place that suggests a certain something. Look deeper. I was in a taxi home and this car pulled up violently beside us and the guys starts throwing some crude energy in our direction us. He follows the taxi and comes real close to ramming his car into us (maybe it was his intention) but anyway it was quite scary, I thought he was going to pull out a gun. Upon closer inspection I realise I "know" this guy. I met him at my place of work he was an assistant to the chef at the restaurant in the restaurant here and he was always so polite and always asked me out on dates and never had a car. And all of a sudden in one little incident I realise there is more to him.
I Have Heaps Of Love & energy to dish out, but I need to channel it in the right directions, pour it into the right souls and keep some for myself.
Honesty Is Important, because you don't want people giving you what you don't want because they think its what you want. Be honest - for selfish reasons. In other words for yourself.
Shiba, Arlene, Caitlin should have 4m marble statues of themselves erected in the most gorgeous places. They are just such gems. I love you.
My sister is a queen. She really needs to get a gold thrown and crown already. Any suggestions where I can get any?
I am such a lucky little being, living where I live, experiencing what I do, having the people I have in my life. I am so so lucky.
Sometimes its an overload of happiness but most times its just great.
Thanks for everything.
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