Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crossing my fingers - Walking The Daisies!

So I try my utmost to be as green as possible - by green I don't mean envious or jealous - I mean the 
envitonmentally friendly kind of groen.

And this year, apart from keeping moutains of wine bottles consumed by the entire house for recycling & re-use (My ex-housemates are definite guzzlers I might add). In addition I have put my Ruby's (the lovely little Opel Monza which is the cause of the biggest mishaps turned adventures in my life, such as this one) engine to rest and used my legs and the train to get around!

I'm pretty proud of myself you know. I could have been zooooooOoooming around the city as I used to. contributing to the ever rising levels of Carbon Mono and Di oxide in the atmosphere.

And now, potentially the biggest & funnest attempt at contributing to greening myself further is this:


I have applied and am waiting; like a schoolboy waiting to be called into the principals office; for the results!

I've bitten every nail that has grown over my finger tips off. I've even begun gnawing at the strips of skin surrounding the nail.

In my application I've even offered to give the other walkers one of my killer Foot massages. Yup! I know.

Anyway - Crossing fingers!

Didi xx

1 comment:

  1. I've chewed all my nails off. Heading for my toe-nails and surrounds now!
