Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Swedish Love

Sometimes, as I go about my day, as I walk through the chaos of life, as I hop on and off of subways trains, as I zip and unzip tents and sleeping bags, as I take showers and baths, as I walk across streets and into grocery stores, as I sit by the waters and admire the city before me, as I encounter new faces and spaces, as I step into class and into my room, sometimes, it hits me so hard, that I am in a new land, a place I have not been a part of before.

A place new to my spirit.

A place new to my body.

A place my emotions are tasting for the first time.

A new, never before experienced flavour...

I am in Sweden.

Floating, yet grounded.

Here is a blog that is dedicated to my experiences here.

I haven't tended my Swedish Garden in quite some time but I have sowed some seeds that will soon blossom into a beautiful blog post soon :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A year since the walk of my life

Multiple emotions came rushing to me when I saw this. Wow. It has been a year. So grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this movement.

I'm impressed and enthralled by how much it has grown. Nathan Daniel Heller. You are inspirational.

Thank you for shining it so bright they can't ignore you :)

Also, I just HAVE to mention that I am super happy that the weather played along this year.

Sunshine Happiness!

Walking The Daisies [2011] :: Dont Party.TV EXCLUSIVE from Dont Party on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Some harsh introspection (the best kind)

My mental resident has been pacing up and down my mental park.

Most of the anxiety being caused by this post, which was written and shared a tiny while ago.

I have been trying to pick out what precisely it is about the post that is causing this unsettling feeling. (The best way to describe the feeling I am experiencing would be to liken it to that feeling you get before speaking to a massive group of people that you have never met before in your life, or that fluttering slightly unpleasant feeling before going on a date with someone for the first time; not knowing what to expect, will you say the “right”things, will you get on well, is he cute? How do I look? Shoot, maybe I shouldn’t go at all!)

An unkind (yet necessary) feeling to the soul.

My suspects have come and gone.

Captured and then set free.

But the latest one has been detained and is pending trial.

I would like to use the below-mentioned saying or quote which lay spread-eagle across my wall (for the bigger portion of my past year), I elect this particular wise and truthful saying to sum up my current suspect (most likely to be found guilty).

“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected. I believe that wise man responsible for this saying is Mahatma Gandhi.

Perhaps, my post was a little too narrow-minded in its examples as it was a post that was initially meant to highlight the phenomenal work being done by Survival International. It quickly turned into (as my blog is aptly named rantingravingrandomramblings) a rambling. A rather bitter one. Due to my observations that week. But after looking at my stats that week I realised that my blog is no longer a simple dumping ground for mindless thoughts and opinions. It is now a place where my peers and others come to read and find inspiration or to defend a point of view.

I am honoured to see that my blog has evolved in that way.

Having acknowledged that, I rapidly came to the realisation that, maybe this disclaimer is no longer relevant.

Frightening thought. That maybe I may not simple come to this “safe place” to rant, rave, ramble and occasionally throw my toys out of the proverbial cot which many of us inhabit at different times in our days.

This seems an important fork in the road. An important growing pain.

Intimidating. (To say the least)

I have never been scared of change, I often times embrace it with enthusiasm. However, this time is different.

Back to the post that’s causing this spiral and harshly introspective point in my thoughts (and future actions).

I was worried by the major portion of the world of people that I had unwittingly gathered and throw into the mud-pile.(Funny I call it that as it was never intended to be) 

Those brave souls that are instrumental and vital in the fight for the greater good and for positive social change.

The people who see that something is not quite right and seek to be part of the solution.

They are not always the people who are enduring the suffering or pain.

Okay, this is all pretty abstract. Here is an example.

I’m keeping Survival International in here to keep it tidy.

The people who began the organisation were never taken off of the land that they grew up on, they were never separated from their families by those that took over their land, they were not tortured or had family members raped, their tribes and people were not wiped out by an invasion of diseases those invading unknowingly brought along with them, their tribes were not invaded.  No. None of those boxes were ticked, by them, but they were still able to see that indigenous people and tribes are vulnerable and they still had the fire and passion to fight for their rights; and are doing a fantastic job at that.

Now, it is the following example (or the same kind) that I neglected to include in my previous post, this is the type of thinking and methodology I was attempting to shine the light on.

A very personal example here:

When I was 18 years old, after a childhood friend aged 14 died from a drug overdose, saddened and feeling pretty guilty that I was unable to prevent it, I decided to finally start a soccer team in my township (Ga-Rankuwa), so I set off with a grand plan in mind, I approached a principal at one of the local high schools in my community to find out if we could use their soccer field. He enthusiastically agreed. I then put out notices all over the place in shops and schools to tell people that if they were interested they should come and sign up. On the stated date I had a rather big fight with my mom that day, but despite this I headed to the school to register the interested young boys (and girls if any). I expected hordes of people to come.

Nobody, besides my younger brother came.

Needless to say I went to bed with a heavy heart and the word “defeat” - seemingly engraved - into my forehead. I was confused. Why one earth was nobody interested. This was a great opportunity after all.

A great opportunity according to ME.

 I was not a boy, I was never going to be one in this lifetime.  I was not into drugs, and the closest I have EVER come to indulging in such substances was occasionally over-indulging in wine and other alcoholic beverages, as do most young people and I would never have (at that age) turned to soccer in the fierce Ga-Rankuwa sun to deter me.

My plan was based on what I thought, not on what the people I was directing this at wanted. I was naïve and arrogant to some extent in my approach. I thought I knew best without consulting the very people this initiative would affect.

I never asked them what they wanted it to look like.

I didn’t see the hole in my plan until I was much much older, long after the desire to embark on this journey had subsided.

It is this process I intended to condemn, but seem to have failed to outline effectively, causing the focus to fall onto other topics, such as what some called my "attack on Australia".

I have opted to leave the post that has been causing me anguish and insomnia up, it is a reminder to me to be more cautious in my approach and my content and to be gentle where I know I should be.

 History can be a shaky ground as it is and needs to be handled with care.

For now my disclaimer stands, until I choose the fork in the road I am presented with.

 With love and all the care I can bring forth at this hour of the day (3:26am)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Of Self Expression & Self Preservation

I have been following Survival International for quite sometime now and I love their work. Their vision is one I can identify with. I am happy that there is someone, a group of people, whose lives are dedicated to this cause. The cause being to protect the rights and livelihoods of indigenous tribes and people. To avoid the further exploitation of their resources and cultural activities. In short - stealing from them.

Often times, I find myself debating with people I come across and those in my life about integration, self expression & self preservation and it's role in our daily lives and our quality of life as people.

For instance, recently I went on a road trip with some friends from France. One evening while driving from one town to the next, I believe we were headed to Port Shepstone, we began talking about one of the laws that France has. The conversation was steered in this direction by a comment that one of my travel companions made; that in France, Muslim women are prohibited to wear burqas. I was taken aback by this statement. He proceeded to say that he felt that it was a good law, which "protected"Muslim women.

Sensing my shock and being somewhat surprised at my disapproval he began to explain that the law (which was still in the pipelines in this article I found) was not only limited to Muslim people and their burqas, but enveloped all religions too. Rosaries, necklaces with crosses/crucifixes attached to them, religious dress of any kind - all disallowed (in public).

I would like to explain my distaste.

Throughout history we have seen painful examples of "what not to do" and I am of the opinion that making decisions for other peoples' well being is one of those mistakes. How could you possibly make an informed decision about that which you are not a part of and that which you do not understand?

The current situation in Australia is a perfect example of this phenom.

A typical example is that of the Aboriginal people. Their culture, resources (both natural and human-based), lifestyle and quality of life had been almost completely destroyed.

Now that the Australian government realises the extent of the damage they have embarked on a journey to try and mend the tears, the multi-layered tears. To avoid going into detail. I will sum up the method chosen to be the above-mentioned one, which is that they (which are not Aboriginal people) think they know what is best for that which they are not a part of.

It has been taken and destroyed, alcohol has long been introduced to them and is now a crutch, their customs have long been lost and are depleting rapidly due to death of those who knew how best to approach certain rituals and such.

Again, an example of others choosing what they think is best for others.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe that the Australian government as well as the majority of it's people are genuinely apologetic and regretful of what has transpired regarding the indigenous people of Australia. It is extremely clear in this official apology and speech (**here is a downloadable version) to the Aboriginal people made by the then prime minister Kevin Rudd in February of 2008.

In fact I strongly believe that South Africa (and many other nations) can learn a lot from this apology and even more from the thorough explanations contained in the speech.

I hate to pick on Australia, I have a lot of great friends from there whom I respect tremendously and who have shaped me and added much value to my life and my journey. But it is not an attack of any kind, it is merely an inconvenient fact of historical happenings that finds me here.

I would like to revert my attention back to the French, one of their main reasoning for passing the law I mentioned earlier is that in the past they have had many conflicts based on religious beliefs. Actually, an entire war between the Catholics & the Protestants which lasted over 3 decades. And so it made sense that due to the sensitive situation back then, this law had relevance.

I still feel uneasy. Is this the best approach? That within French boarders you show no religious ties? Does this law then not propel and support the idea of atheism? I am conflicted.

Are the French merely preserving their way of life?

That being said, I would like to share this video that I found on Survival International's website, the page which deals with what they call uncontacted tribes. It lead me to the question of self-preservation and which approach is best.

Does exclusion lead to a better preserved self, nation, clan, tribe, family, friendship circle, society, business?

**I urge you to please read the apology/speech. It is moving, true and exemplary.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

100th Post - My new Swedish Blog!


I have had 100 blog posts on this Virtual Scrapbook. Never did I ever imagine that I would be here; pushed only by a new year's resolution born in 2009.

I sit here, content with my ability to stick at this one project.

A new one has been planted, with my move to Sweden coming up.

It is called SWEDISH GARDEN and you can come and play or sit in my new vitual garden.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I love my friends

I have had the great fortune of having friends that see the importance of documenting special moments.

This is one of them. 
My last night in Cape Town.
Location: Roxy's at Dunkley Square

Endless thoughts

There are endless bouncing , walking & sitting thoughts in my mind that want to snipped  free.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Of OStrichEs and EgGs

As you probably already know I went on an out-of-this-world Road trip through South Africa with some amazing French friends 

This trip touched every part of my soul.

In this video you will witness the fearful and playful part of my soul.

I'm surrounded by inspiring people - I want to be one too!

My friend that I was skyping with below, asked me who this incredible person I had been speaking about was.I couldn't explain it well without exposing some of his work.

Because he is a Jack of many trades and has taught me so much.

While I searched I came across this video of a talk he gave to a group of people in Melbourne (The city he lives in and also the best place in the world according to him!)

What you see here is the tip of the Ice Berg of what he is about and what he is like.

Stand. Your. Ground. - Speak. Your. Mind.

I am currently having a skype chat with a friend of mine (Kerrie Channer The Phenomenal) with whom I have not spoken to in ages.

Way too long to be honest.

We had a spontaneous music swap using YOUtube. Wow. I love the internet.

There - I said it.

And she introduced me to Josh Kumra.

Please, meet him. He is singing my mind.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Love my country

I have recently had the fortune of being asked to accompany some French friends on a road trip through South Africa.

This request, couldn't possibly come at a better time.

I am leaving South Africa to go and study in Sweden and had a bit of sadness around leaving not having explored enough of my own home ground.

As usual, the universe felt my distress and made it all right.

There was much I discovered about myself and others on the trip.

What fuels my fire and the like.

My fellow travelers, unbeknownst to them, taught me loads...

All this shall be shared in a number of posts.

But for now, I bring you, my 2 amazing fellow travelers.

Who, patiently and humorously taught me French and tried their best to pick up and learn English :) And with whom I shared one of my most adventurous time of my life!

Meet Pierre and Louison (aka Lulu or Lou Lou)

It has been about a day since we parted ways and I miss them dearly already! I hope to visit them once I'm settled in Sweden!

Tu me manques déjà, l'espoir de vous voirbientôt!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dancing like a maniac!

Everybody (I'd like to think and sincerly hope) has a song that sends them wild and forces them to stop and dance NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE.

This is that song for me. The video is also a friggin masterpiece.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sweden here I come!

The news is beginning to settle and I've begun wrapping my head around the road and head and the journey I've embarked on.

I have been selected to take part in an amazing program in Sweden. I struggle to find the perfect vocabulary to express my utter sheer excitement about this news. The Program is aimed at people who want o make a difference in the world we all live in. Keeping in mind that we have all contributed to the multiple problems that our fragile home faces and are therefore all responsible to attempt to help it and it's inhabitants.

The name of the program is The International Youth Initiative Program (YIP) I urge you to read more about what the program is all about here ===> as I am incapable (at this points at least) to put into words what the teachings encompass. I am going to set up a blog which is dedicated to my year with YIP. Because I do not believe that placing smatterings of my experiences here will do my approaching experience any justice. I feel it in my heart.

While I was writing this blog post I discovered this video, which combines a couple of my favourite types of art forms (music, visuals and poetry).

The song is by Miike Snow and it's called Sans Soleil (meaning "sunless") This video was made by a fan of Miike Snow. The fan has aptly taken scenes from a mind-blowing, eye-opening as well as rather moving film from the Qatsi Trilogy of films. The scenes are from the first of the trilogy. Koyaanisqatsi.

It's one of those films that I believe every, single, human being should watch. It contains no spoken language. Only music and visuals making it easily understood and felt by people across all kinds of cultural and religious bubbles.

PLEASE WATCH IT. But for now, indulge!

Sans Soleil from altereagle on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Bubble



I hate to preach, but...

I've just finished a 10 and a half hour long shift at work (currently as a waitress) and I'm feeling rather inspired by myself (before you take your pin out to prick my seemingly inflated head, hear me out).

I suppose, "inspired by myself" is the incorrect way to phrase this.

Perhaps I should say, the series of events have done.

Resuming to the point, we have a daily financial target which, when reached, earns us a certain monetary incentive.

Today was a particularly frustrating day as there was a rugby match between The Stormers & The Blue Bulls (YAY, The Bulls won! "MY BLOOD IS BLUE!!") and with any sporting gathering at my place of work there comes an inseparable, annoying best friend - excessive drinking.

With these 2 pals holding hands, things become rather difficult. To say the least.

In any case, to cut my ramble short.

I reached a point when my back and feet were aching terribly and I felt that I would not reach the target.

I was highly discouraged and unmotivated.And quite honestly started convincing myself that not reaching it wouldn't be so bad, although I knew better.

But I decided to push on. Just keep going. Somewhere within myself I knew I could do it.

I did.

It's a small (somewhat insignificant) victory, granted. But to me it reminds me of one huge monster of a lesson:

The human spirit can overcome anything, with enough will power and resilience anything is achievable!


Friday, June 10, 2011

"James Blake, Will you marry me?"

I'm seriously, honestly, sincerely, solemnly, fervently am thinking of dedicating an ENTIRE page to James Blake.

He sends shivers down my spine, makes me smile, tear up and feel warm. Sometimes i experience all of these in the same song!

He is a legend! Wow.

Thanks to Bong for introducing us!! I'm addicted now. There is no turning back.

This song has sent me over the edge...

Here is the original by Joni Mitchell - I thought it only fair...

Silent Evolution

This sculptor was introduced to me by a lovely soul by the name of Paula O' Brien.

One of the most vibrant soul's I've ever ever encountered in my life! She is my ex-boyfriend's mom , who is an artist and a free-spirit.

She came up with this website and put together the mind-blowing list of artist's on it.

In my opinion, she lives this saying:

"Work Is Love Made Visible" Kahlil Gibran

So as you can tell, she is pretty amazing.

Here is a link to one of my favourite artists' work

Tap Your Mousie Over HERE

Meet Tony Orrico

Uhm, so I discovered this brilliant man a couple weeks ago, but was feeling a bit selfish so I didn't share my discovery. But now I'm sitting here and thinking about how absolutely ridiculous I'm being!

I suppose my love for him stems mainly from the fact that I have an unreasonable love for symmetry. Anything symmetrical sends joy up my spine! Particularly buildings and art pieces. Strange but true.

I'm not going to ramble on for much longer...

Meet Tony Orrico:

This one is quite long, but the end product stunning (as all his work is) so you might want to skip to the end :)

This has to be my (very tentative) favourite!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One of THOSE days

Today I got to the internet cafe to do my usual stalking of the YIP website and to check if there has been any mail from them.

And was excited to find mail from one of the organisers! But all was not well, as the email was to notify me that they had not received my application yet.Despite my efforts of sending my mail via EMS (Emergency Mailing Service). Oh Dear!

The email was sent an entire 2 days ago! In this period of time I had a wallet taken from me, leaving me penny-less and my cellphone fell into a glass of coca-cola which was very conveniently placed beside my bed on the floor! I couldn't really admit to the YIP people that this is what really happened. I mean how believeable is it that the one day I was going to call them this happened? A cellphone, into a glass of fizzy drink? Really.

(I actually got a little embarrassed reading this) Sigh.

So while I rushed to get all the paper worked to them, (while receiving a crash course on how to use the very particular scanner at my internet cafe of choice) I realised that I did not have all the original documents as I had posted them. EEK!

But by some marvelous intervention or some sort of antics by the universe, I found each. And. Every. Single. Piece of documentation that I had sent them originally. Ha! How? I can never answer that. (Well, yes, I did rummage through 5 computers but hey, mission accomplished right?)

In any case, after I sent the application I was still on edge and needed to call the office in Sweden on my cellphone, which in itself made me nervous,

"Do I have enough airtime?"

"Am I able to make international calls?"

"Do I have the correct number?"

"Will I find someone to speak to in the office"

And, and, and!

I visit the bathroom to ease my annoying excuse for a bladder.

And offcourse, a day is not complete without some clumsy mistake made by me.

"The clumsiness of the day trophy goes to..." (Drumrolll....) "Didi!"

For dropping the entire roll of ,what seemed like, the last surviving toilet paper, into the toilet of the internet cafe! Oh my!

After sorting out my dismal attempt at a normal toilet visit, I called YIP and spoke to a real person, who was actually quite pleasant AND helpful!


I went back to the internet cafe and proceeded to find these 2 amazing videos! :

My housemate showed me this last night and I thought I wouldn't ever find it  again. Skip the add and PLEASE watch till the end. There's a cool message to us all!

And this guy. Wow. Really? I want to meet him and hug him and interview him! Legend! And the song? Cheese and Rice!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Feeling rather inspired

Today is one of those days where I woke up feeling more like myself than I have in a long time.

I woke up feeling inspired, well-rested and ready to face anything.

Ready to embrace whatever my future holds for me.

Feeling light as though I had placed my entire trust and future in the hands of the universe.

It knows what I want, better yet - NEED.

Has never let me down.


Universe, work your magic! (as you always have done) 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Very Very VERY Beautiful

There is so much I want to scream and jump and sing and share about this website.

No Really.

SooOoO I invite you to please, please have a look at this website. Grab a snack, a drink. 

Or neither.

And simply revel in the (excuse the repetition) BEAUTIFUL site. 

filled with...

(excuse me once more) BEAUTIFUL things.

I do breathe...Indeed, I live


There is a level of embarrassment were even an apology doesn't fix or come close to trying to fix.

That is me.

The cobwebs on this page have become fossils. 


I have been up to loads and loads. I will update you soon.
