I visited a place called “The Bromwell” over the weekend.
I will take some time to describe what it is and the interior of the venue.
“The Bromwell” boutique mall is a number of things:
- A Boulangerie called “Bread”, which -from my understanding- is a bakery: this one boasts efficiency that ensures that no item on the shelf is older than 2 hours old (the standard period of time is 8 hours I’m told)
- A deli, which sells exclusive high-end treats ranging from coffee flavoured fudge to tasty jams & cold meats.
- A café that sells delicious eats, cocktails & hot beverages.
- And the main attraction - a range of carefully arranged concept rooms that contain once offs created solely for this place. Gold framed mirrors, statues, jewelry, furniture, sculptures, paintings & clothing.
Opulence not very often stumbled upon.
Patrons receive a “Privilege card” which enables them to view the prices of the items on sale. The cards are inserted into a slot linked to a high tech wireless system that is touch screen operated.
When you enter this place, a man wearing a top hat and a black tuxedo greets you, outside the establishment. The treatment, if you are not accustomed to it, pushes you to the very verge of uncomfortableness.
The elite hang out spot is situated in the heart of Woodstock, Albert road to be exact.
Local mini-bus taxis constantly screeching past & honking. Across the street families reside. In houses that have existed in the fore-mentioned families for generations & generations. The population of Woodstock is infamous for alcohol abuse, poverty, substance abuse, drug trade, teenage pregnancy & gang violence.
The people of this place are nowhere near the income bracket that the Bromwell serves and aims to please.
Given the history of Woodstock and how it came about, is it fair to have an establishment as lavish as the one I speak of in this place that very obviously does not serve the community it has invaded? Is it right?
Fast forward to 2015: the families that live in the houses situated in Woodstock, particularly on streets, with growing popularity, such as Albert road are going to be bought out & shoved aside for the purpose of economic benefit & stimulation.
They might be restored and kept in their original form but the people who it truly and rightfully belongs to will be nowhere in sight.
Places like the Bromwell push the gap between the rich and the poor wider, faster, with reckless abandon.
South Africa officially has the widest gap between the rich and the poor. That is quite an achievement. What are we doing to undo that embarrassing, sad & painfully hard, harsh reality?
There should be a legal body that is erected specifically for the purpose of protecting and defending whole communities that are being excluded from the goings ons in their community.
The residents should benefit in some way or form from all the shenanigans that take place. They should be part of the plan. They should reap the rewards that are employment, royalties or simply the right to decide who can come and take a spot in their community.
We as a nation need to bring operations like this a screeching halt. The alternative - to watch the gap widen and worsen. And to let more and more starve and suffer while others have more than they could ever need in one lifetime.
Which side of the line do you stand on?
one of the things i enjoyed about south africa was that the wealth disparity was "in my face". In Europe, the US, herr and ....- it is possible to live cocooned from poverty. I sometimes note that the people who used to make clothes lived on the other side of the city - now they live on the other side of the world (usually china) so we have kinda lost touch with working people. The cocoon has to work a bit harder in SA (and amazing still thrives - remember your comment on Cape Town). It sounds like a awful place with awful people - and if it has to exist, maybe its better less cocooned.