Friday, April 23, 2010

I sang for someone in 43 secs flat - Listen!

Ha ha, a friend of mine is on a Dj/Music world tour (Cause he's tight like that) and he is feeling rather homesick. So I decided that since I couldn't send him good old Biltong I would cheer him up with my voice! Have a listen by clicking here.

One take is all it took!

Technology and I are becoming good friends :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Common Decency - It's Free

On a slightly more disgruntled note.

I have been feeling irritated by this annoying trait that keeps gravitating towards me. This time it has possessed  the most surprising of hosts.

The bug of the lack of decency.

I’ve been working (real hard) at letting go of expectations. Because its liberating, not only for me, but for you too. It frees my mind and alleviates the cropping up of the emotion of disappointment. It frees you, it gives your soul true freedom. My take anyway.

But lately I’ve realised that letting go of expectations comes with a high price tag dangling from its ankle.

It means that I have to take any old morsels of manners and love that come my way. It’s hard when you KNOW people have more to give than the 3rd grade scraps I have to lap up.

Here are a few guidelines to avoid giving my skin this rash:

If I text you, call you, email you and you cant respond. Do so when you eventually get a chance to even if it means sending me a PLS CALL ME – honestly its not THAT embarrassing and I won’t judge you for it.

If PLS CALL ME’s are too hard to send – smoke signals shall suffice.

If you can’t make it to do something, tell me. Don’t let me connect the dots.

Make it up to me if you do mess up. Flowers, cash & good experiences gladly accepted.

Say “Please”, “Thank you” and “Sorry” where necessary. I shall kindly spell I out below

"Please" – if you would like something use it before you request or after (Just slot it in there somewhere)

"Thank you" – once your request has been met it should be used, or if a nice gesture is shown it is used to show gratitude

"Sorry" – if you have done something wrong and would like forgiveness, this word kind of helps.

If you have to print this guide to help you remember. Do so. Here it is - It's free.

The best things in life are free

The last few days have been unbelievable. My evenings have been comprised of great conversations and unexpected nights out. I don’t have a dime to my name but somehow (thanks to my loving friends) have managed to have a fantastic week.

Art Exhibitions, drinks in new bars, discovering Tagores in Observatory, wine at Cine Ganesh, first time visits to Spring Boks & Tin roof in Claremont (Yes, I see the shock on your face 3 years in Cape Town and you haven’t ever set foot there until now?!), re-connecting with friends I have been neglecting and missing so dearly. An overall winner of a week.

Friday was a lucky packet of music, discovering a “Smokie” in Woodstock, live bands at house parties, great punch (that kicked one helluva punch) & making friends with cops that were disturbing the fun.

Saturday brought an early morning – painful given my state the night before (a few hours to be exact). But composure was necessary. Great meeting that promises the beginning of something amazing. Catching up with a well-missed friend over tea and re-acquainting myself with my life journal.

Sunday was my gift to my friends I combined 2 of my favourite loves (Cooking & touching people) a “So Long Summer” gathering; where I prepared some Mexican cuisine with the great help of some absolutely amazing, loving people and gave foot & back massages.

Topped the night off with a visit to watch a jazz band play at Tagores in Obs and a giggling fit of a girly chat while snuggled in bed before drifting off to sleep.

A fantastic week. Thank you Cape Town.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Madness creeps up on SA (Part 2 of...well lets wait & see)

Okay, this one is not so much funny as it is embarrasing and outrageous (as is the first on to be honest) it is simply jaw-droppingly shocking.

Julius, unlike Mr. Visagie has a lot more power in that a lot more people relate to him, listen to him and actually like him (as bizarre as it is). He holds a rather powerful seat in SA (Head of the ANC Youth League).

ANC being the (fairly unchallenged) ruling party in South Africa.

If this idiot doesn't learn diplomacy and the difference between when to shut the hell up and when to speak up we will end up in some boiling water. (I ask myself again - how did he end up there?)

Madness creeps up on SA (Part 1 of...well lets wait & see)

Since the murder of Eugene Terreblanche, havoc of a scary (sometimes really hilarious) nature has erupted. The content isn't funny(as such) its the way people seem to express themselves when they are in the public arena and overwhelmed with anger or frustration that makes me laugh.

Before I dig myself into a pit of quicksand watch this and you'll probably understand.

When jokes go too far

Recently a friend of mine on facebook invited me to join an event called "International Round Up The Women & Herd Them To The Kitchen Day". When I saw the invite I was shocked but decided to find out what it was all about before getting worked up.

I went on the event page and was at a loss for words to say the least. The humour was tasteless and the images were the final straw on this camel's back.

If you are reading this and think that the 3 images (out of about 50) I have placed below are offensive and go much much further than any "joke" should. Please visit the site by following this link and reporting the event and the images that you find offensive.

There is a line between funny and just plain offensive. And this event and its members have definitely crossed it. I have a fairly tough skin and am not overly sensitive, but even I think that this group and the images advocate violence towards women. Its sickening & worrying.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" a true tale of harrasment in SA

I'd like to begin this post by describing the person who this below occurrence happened to. *Tom is one of the most warm-spirited, generous and gentle people I know. Music is his great love and passion. He is a really great person who is both tolerant and untampering in who other people are and chose to be.

I am deeply upset that things like this happen to people, but even more upset that *Tom had to endure such a soul-oppressing situation.

What you read below is his own account of what happened to him and how he felt.

All your comments, thoughts and ramblings are welcome.

"So yeah, here's the whole story; I was driving behind this guy in a Ford Focus WZW073GP yesterday, coming past the Boskruin Shopping centre and it had just become a double lane. As this guy was driving very slowly, I tried to pass him on the right when he suddenly swerved into the right hand lane without indicating. I then swerved left and went past him. I looked at him and opened and closed my hand to tell him that he should indicate next time and he instantly turned on his blue light and I could hear him screaming at me to pull over. As I had done nothing wrong, I presumed that it was one of those random "stop & search procedures, so I pulled over. He then got out and ran up to my window and threatened to "F$#@ me up", I was very apologetic as he had a gun around his waist as well as a whole lot of other stuff. He was very abusive and calling me all sorts of derogatory words/names. When I told him he couldn't speak to me that way, He then got even more angry and shouted at me to get out my car because he was going to " teach me a lesson and F$#@ me up!" As he had not produced a badge, I did what Carte Blanche said and refused to get out the car and said that we could drive to the nearest police station and he could arrest me and do whatever else there, to which he replied, "You drive anywhere and I'll F$#@ing fill your car with led!" I was totally freaked out by this and just kept apologizing until eventually he let me go. I was going to go to the cops about this but in fear for my life or being hunted down and totally harassed by this guy, I won't... Human Rights??? I think not!... What kind of world do we live in when the police hold all the cards and there's absolutely nothing you can do in your own defence? It’s sickening."
There were lots of reponses to this post; that was fairly encouraging - people voicing their frustrations and anger towards this kind of behviour and form of abuse.

My response to it:

"Wow *Tom I’m so sorry you had to endure this kind of harassment and blatant denial of your rights.

One of the most upsetting things about reading this is understanding how totally powerless you felt. The problem is that policemen/women (and most people of authority) can do pretty much anything to you and it most times goes unnoticed or very well covered up.

The biggest issue here is this very old phrase “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” you can see it everywhere. Look at our political situation – I won’t go into that for now – you know how worked up I get.... See More

But bottom line is people don’t go into jobs because they genuinely love what the job entails. People get jobs because they need to eat and feed a family. Its simply “a job” not a craft that they use to better someone else's life nor for the betterment of something (perhaps a system of doing things).

Once again I’m sorry you had to go through this.

Would you mind if I posted this on my blog? I think situations like yours are experienced by most and then get swept under the carpet because “nothing happened in the end”.

I'm sorry but verbal assault IS something.

Massive Love to you *Tom. x"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oysters & Champagne - a delightful Twosome!

The difficulty I find with sharing my experiences (not so much my thoughts) is that I never know how well I can paint the picture; how well I can make the feelings and images form in another’s imagination.

But I have come to accept that some emotions are impossible to share, some images are impossible to reconstruct in another’s mind. And so almost do the actual experience no justice. I shall share nonetheless and continue to try to relay these lovely parcels.

Like I have mentioned before I am exceptionally lucky. “Little miss fortunate” indeed. And so I won a pair of tickets sponsored by Whatson! Thanks Murray Walker!

It was fairly hard to decide who I was going to take with me. So I asked *Frank although I didn’t entirely think he was the best option – but laziness on my part and quite frankly not looking forward to having the favouritism talk with my friends! But he declined which forced me to make the much-dreaded decision. But I knew it was right when I had made it. I asked *Magdalena – I have been wanting to do something special with her for ages and here; a beautiful chance had presented itself. She agreed, very excited at that! I invited another friend (*Charlie) who I had been neglecting too and the 3 of us headed out to the vineyards of Durbanville to Bleomendal wine estate.

We head straight to the Champagne tasting table, we sampled each and every single Champagne they had on offer and quickly made friends with the guys. With Magdalena’s gorgeous eyes and charm it was rather easy to keep our glasses filled each time we wanted more.

We sampled the oysters on offer and decided that I’m officially wildly in love with oysters. Tasty buggers.

After slurping up our oysters we sampled some whisky with *Charlie. He loves whisky, something I never previously thought I might appreciate fully. But I have in fact been converted. After a generous taste of “ Wild Geese Strawberry Kisses” I was sold! Alcohol that strong shouldn’t taste that great.

On the last few drops of the heavenly drink *Magdalena points out another place where we can sample champagne at no cost. So we head there as they pack up and ask them to Please please let us taste some but an annoyed “No” from the man behind the counter came at us. So we trotted back to our trustee glass fillers.

A few moments later I get called from across the way and it’s the manager of the stand that had just denied us tasting of their offerings. I head over there and he points at the bottles and asked me which one I want. Are you kidding me? I happily point at the rose and voila! Just like that its mine. I head back with a huge grin on my face,

All of a sudded we’ve earned ourselves a whole bunch of friends without even giving up our champagne bottle. Fantastic. 2 more gentlemen approach us and hand us 2 half bottles of champagne – seriously?

We then head over to the dance floor to listen to some Afrikaans rock…quite interesting and groovy despite my slight reservations. We dance the night away and make some more friends. And have a lot of heavy meaningful conversations regarding politics in SA and the role of young Afrikaners in it all. How insightful. Interesting as we have this conversation the day after the very controversial Terreblanche is beaten to death by his 2 black farm labourers aged 15 and 21.( thoughts on this later)

Some images of the astronomical, surreal whirlwind day shall follow in the coming days

The flipside of Certainty

Earlier this week I began writing some thoughts on what I was feeling at the time. The title of the post was going to be “The sweetness of certainty”.

I was feeling particularly lonely and, to be very honest, missing the pleasure of going home and knowing that someone (that loves mer and genuinely cares for me – male to be exact) will be there  at the end of the day waiting to hold me, hear my boring details of how my day was. Someone to cuddle up with and just watch movies with on a cold, wet, Cape Town winter; someone to giggle with, someone to tickle me, someone to make me laugh out loud, someone to fool around with.

Not a great place to be I admit.

And then last night happened.

Everything that I had planned to happen, most certainly did not. Besides meeting the lovely *Laila for a meeting on the next event we’re going to organise for the amazing organization we volunteer for.

We (together with 5 other friends) were meant to go to a TEDx event in the Western Cape and were all super amped to check it out.

But what actually transpired was nothing short of a cocktail of unexpected bliss (the opposite of the very certainty I was sourly missing). One after the other they each fell out of the plan for the night. For varying reasons.

By the time *Laila & I were finished with our meeting and catch-up; it was after 7pm and I sure as God made green apples was not going to roll the dice and use public transport at that time by myself. So I went to the trustee spot – Neighbourhood.

*Laila came with me (what a darling). I got a glass of wine and an even bigger glass of water to keep me on the sane side – after all I was basically a homeless puppy dog hoping for the best, hoping against all the obvious odds, that my wild, crazy, fun ( yet suprisingly reliable mate given all the above traits) would come and rescue me as she usually does – introducing *Ava.  She (*Ava) had texted me earlier asking if I wanted to join her and a friend for a drink later but hadn’t heard from her since I responded with a vigorous cyber nod given the seemingly dismal state of affairs!

*Laila was hella tired and had to leave, I lapped up the last drops of my wine and walked her downstairs to a cab that was conveniently waiting on our doorstep.

I trekked upstairs and gathered some few coins together for one more glass of vino. I was going to wait but no one said it would have to be a painful wait right? As I stepped outside to search for some familiar faces, I bumped straight into a good friend I had had a bit of a fall out with mid last year. I was happy to see him – as always.  He was meeting with some of his friends from University (which is years ago for him). As he tried to call them, they pop around the corner. Intro’s all round, as the surface talk continues a table right beside me clears up and I slide right in and so do the lads.

We all chit chat away. Come to think of it, there was actually never really any moment of awkward silence as there normally is when I encounter people for the first time. I sat next to *Leonardo Di Caprio (dubbed that by a rather liquored up **randomer – typical Cape Town scene right?). *Leonardo made me laugh, a lot. Like out LOUD, several times. How refreshing.  Precisely what I needed & didn’t even realise.

When strangers ignite that within you, it warms the heart in a way I can’t describe.

Our conversation flows so effortlessly and so naturally. I’m starting to appreciate why things didn’t work out for us to go to the TEDtalk. The universe had other, better, plans for me it seems.

Later (approximately 2 hefty hours!) I come to a crystal clear realisation – I’ve gatecrashed this meeting of old friends. I dither. Should I excuse myself or stay and sheepishly point out the my realisation or, well, simply stay – I’ve come this far. And the most important part – it all feels right. I don’t feel like an imposter. Maybe they were being polite. I shut that voice down and just continue to enjoy the great company.

*Leonardo’s friend wants to go home. So we, after careful deliberation, decide that *Leonardo shall drop his friend off and we shall meet up at a different spot. Done.

*Ava arrives just as this decision receives the stamp of approval. (I sense the loud, rowdy, happy, chaos in the fairly near distance & know she has arrived...) How perfect.

Elated hellos out of the way, we meet up with some of her other (equally crazy) pals and the drinks flow.

As discussed earlier with Leonardo, I round up the troops and we head to my favourite bar in Cape Town Julep. When we arrive there I see a hand full of familiar faces which I hadn’t planned on seeing – how pleasant.

After the numerous, seemingly endless hellos and hugs. I spot Leonardo at the bar.

I join him and pick up where we left off. We meet a man who dresses up as a nun and makes the masses laugh, we reminisce on the cartoons that made up our childhood, singing “gummy bears,dancing here and there and everywhere” and a whole bunch of other rather childish songs. So much fun.

I abandon the mission to go to Fiction to party the night away, its 1am and I have work tomorrow. I politely ask him to take me home and he does.

No awkwardness when I get home. Besides not being able to find my keys in the bottomless pit of an excuse for a hand bag – but I’m female so I thinks it’s fairly acceptable.

As I lay in bed I reconnect with that electric seduction of uncertainty. Not knowing what shall happen next. It’s a gift you know. Like winning a spot prize when you least expect it.

**The said randomer shall be mentioned in a blog post later. He is a topic all on his own.